Resource Packages
Wildfire resiliency
Learn about how you can work to protect your home from wildfires, and be prepared for the next fire event. Click here to find resources.
Find info on: brush management, wildfire preparation, defensible space, fire safe landscaping
native plant gardening
Looking for ways to make your garden more drought-tolerant, easier to manage, and pollinator-friendly? Delve into our list of resources here.
Find info on: plant selection, native garden care, native nursery directory, invasive and pest plants
Maps, field guides, and online tools
Connect and learn more about your local environment and the beautiful canyons of San Diego. Find resources here.
Access resources like: City Heights loop trail, canyon finder, native and nonnative field guides, trail maps, iNaturalist resources, SAN GIS, and more
environmental and social justice
Find resources on improving equitable access to green spaces and environmental knowledge here.
Find info on: government action plans, improving green access, and more