How to Use the Canyon Finder

find and Explore San Diego’s Canyons

Have you heard about all the great canyons across San Diego County and wondered if there were any near you? Now you can use our Canyon Finder to locate the nearest accessible canyon nearby! Check out this quick guide to show you how to use our exciting new feature on the website.

To access the Canyon Finder, head to our homepage ( Take a look at the navigation bar on the top right corner and locate the link that says “Canyon Finder”. Highlighted in red below.

new without top border home page_LI.jpg

Awesome! You found the “Canyon Finder” link. Now, click on the link. A new tab should open and it should look like this:


Viola! You can now explore the Canyon Finder! This is an interactive map of the county and its canyons. You will notice that the canyons are outlined in brown and filled in with green. The black dots represent trailheads and the black lines represent trails. You can view a legend, filter your search, and share a link (in that order) at the top right corner. See below.

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To search, click on the magnifying glass on the far right column. You can search by neighborhood, zip code, or specific canyon. Once you find a canyon, click on it to view more information.

click on a canyon.JPG

Now that you know how to use the Canyon Finder, go explore! Please let us know if you use it and what discoveries you make near you!